Nvzn Easy ARt Virtual Previews

Configure your products
Select a Product
Now that you've prepared your AR images, it's time to upload them to your products to create an amazing AR preview experience for your customers.
Here's what you need to do:
Go to the Configure ARt Previews section of the app.
You'll see a list of all the products in your store. Each row represents a product and shows its Shopify status, how many variants have already been configured for AR, and its current AR Status (active or not).
You can filter and sort to find the product you want to create an AR preview for, or simply use the pagination buttons to browse through the products.
Select a product by clicking on the row. This will take you to the variant configurator screen.​
Pro Tip: Before you start configuring variants, it's a good idea to set your preferred default units of measurement in the apps Settings. That will help speed up your configuration process when working with lots of products.
Configure Variants
You'll now see a list of all the variants for that product.
For each variant, upload an AR source image.
Set the real-world dimensions with a Width and Height value, and set the Units of measurement (“cm” or “inch”).
These values will be used to generate the AR experience using the AR source image, projected into the shopper’s environment at that real-world scale.
If your product has a frame, your Width and Height values must include the frame measurement.
Once you've configured each variant, you can save and return to the product list to configure more products.
Your configured AR products are not live until you have toggled the Activate AR switch to ON. This way, you can prepare all your AR previews before launching them.
© 2025 Nvzn Augmented Reality Corp.